Our Training

There are countless benefits to getting your training with AS9100 University.
Our three-step recipe for world-class compliance will work, and our model will save you money.
Our updates will include the latest trends in the world of AS9100.

Reduced Cost of Maintaining Your AS9100 certification​

AS9100 University will save companies thousands of dollars by providing their people with the information needed to eliminate those costly and preventable NCRs from happening each year. We can get the right information to the right people in your organization. 

Did you know that AS9100 certified companies like yours spend thousands of dollars in manhours each year addressing NCRs that get issued during AS9100 external audits?

Did you know that many companies spend upwards of $3,000 in manhours to address and resolve EACH NCR received from an AS9100 external audit?  That means many companies are spending an average of $10,000 per year to address and resolve their NCRs.

Traditional AS9100 training doesn’t do much to prevent non-compliances for two reasons.  The first is that it doesn’t focus on the areas that cause companies to be non-compliant, and the second is the length and cost of traditional AS9100 training prevents a company’s floor personnel from ever getting it.

AS9100 University was launched to change all this.  We’re looking for a new breed of AS9100 certified companies that are determined to eliminate those preventable NCRs.

Your time is valuable. We don’t want you spending it on training that doesn’t pertain to what causes your NCRs, and we especially don’t want you spending it addressing and resolving NCRs that could have been prevented in the first place.

A Clear Road Map to World-Class Compliance

AS9100 University has a three-step recipe for world-class compliance that can be readily implemented by any AS9100 company. 

Register for out training to build awareness among all work groups of the key requirement trouble-makers

Check for compliance and make the needed improvements

Experience the pride and the cost savings

Your management rep and management team will receive CLEAR guidance on developing a plan for world-class compliance, including building awareness of, and monitoring compliance to the key requirement trouble-makers in ALL work areas.                   

ALL of your work groups and personnel will receive information that will build awareness of the key requirement trouble-makers in their areas, and will guide them in monitoring for compliance to these trouble-makers.

Let your management rep, management team, and all work groups and personnel experience the pride of world-class compliance.  Together we can do this!

Inside Tips on the Latest Trends in the world of AS9100

The next revision to AS9100 may be requiring you to have a ‘maturity model’ that indicates your level of compliance.

Our 5-minute video library and checklists will give you a good framework for coming up with some meaningful metrics on compliance to key requirements.  If your company needs assistance in this, we at AS9100 University would be glad to help you.

Unlimited Use of our Partner Logo

Those companies that train with us are welcome to unlimited use of our partner logo.

Once you have experienced the success that our training brings you may want to use it.

AS9100 Questions & Answers

Need further training?

One look at our Testimonials tab should assure you that you are in good hands with us.

Our president and is committed to getting the right information to the right people in your organization at the right time.

Let us know if there are other training needs we can assist you with.